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Healthy Eating for Summer Weight Loss

Free articles, videos, recipes & more to help you lose weight, get in better shape, and reclaim a healthy & active life.

It is official; summer is here in the Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona area. If you’re looking for a way to lose weight before swimsuit season, think about changing your diet. Exercise is definitely an important part of the big picture, but you might be surprised how much healthy eating can change the shape of your body over time. To get started, follow these simple tips.

Start a food journal. This is the best way to monitor what you’re eating in order to cut calories without feeling hungry. Skipping meals is not advisable, because it can actually make your metabolism slow down and cause you to eat more when you do sit down to a meal. When you start to feel hungry in between meals, consider drinking water or green tea to fill you up instead of reaching for an unhealthy snack. Ensuring that you’re hydrated will keep fatigue at bay in addition to dealing with hunger. At meals, keep your portion sizes in check by using smaller plates. Finally, eat high fiber foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables to fill up without a lot of additional calories.

Once you have incorporated these tips into your daily eating habits, you can take it to the next level by following a structured diet or making small changes that result in astounding medical weight loss. Structured diets include plans like Atkins and Weight Watchers. Not only do plans such as these help you to lose weight, they can also teach you about eating healthy for the rest of your life. To make impactful changes to your regular diet, consider the following ideas.

  • Incorporate healthy foods like salads, whole grain bread and fruit into your normal menus.
  • Remove a single unhealthy food choice, like soda pop or sweets. Removing only one aspect of your normal diet can make it easier to lose weight when compared to a complete diet makeover.
  • Don’t eat out as much. When you cook at home, you have the luxury of knowing exactly what you’re consuming and how it affects your overall weight loss goals.
  • Experiment with new recipes and foods. You might be surprised what healthy foods you find you like once you try them.

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